Friday, November 11, 2011

Howdy doody all you lovely beauties,

another random babble post from me. I've had  a super stressful couple of days so last night to calm my nerves I consumed a large glass of wine with my Nandos...

Oh and yes, I am that saddo who take pictures of food pretty much ALL the time...

Apologies I am a little camera shy at the moment :( just don't really feel like having my photos taken. Especially as I had come straight from work and had my hair piled up on top of my head in a very messy topknot which shouldnt have been witnessed outside of my own home... oh well.

I also wondered into the Browhaus in Covent Garden and made an appointment to have eyelash extensions fitted, eeeek. There was me thinking I'd be able to skip over in my lunchtime today, but they are fully booked until next Thursday so I will have to wait. boo hoo.This kind of makes me think they must be good in there though???

I've had eyelash extensions before and LOVED them, you can read about them here.


I'm hoping the next set will work out just as well, even thinking of something a little more dramatic and glam, Kim Kardashian style, what do you think? Or something a little more wearable?

Liza Maggs went to the dog groomers yesterday, so she is looking rather dashing. I think she looks like a little baby lamb, how sweet :)


Today I recieved St. Tropez Shimmer Stick, (basically a tan in a stick)which I'm really excited about using, eeeek. What a tanning geek I am *snorts* I'm going to trial it tonight as I'm heading out for drinks in Brick Lane, and need a little instant tan for the evening. Hopefully it wont rain, as this tan washes off with water! But this means no need for gloves or a mitt, excellent. So expect a review on this coming up :)

Sorry for the somewhat rambley post... lots going on right now :)

What have you all been up to this week? Have you got any new beauty products you can't wait to try out?

Hope you all have a smashing Friday night and I'm sure we'll be seeing each other over the weekend lovelies.


P.s any of you out there Zoella followers? If so don't miss out on her fab giveaway, a gorgeous La Sardinia Lomography Camera, amazeballs!!!

p.p.s how discusting is Vitacoco coconut water?! Bleugh, I thought it might not be as bad as I remembered, it's like drinking sea water...
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