Friday, January 20, 2012

This month we’re giving away our Synthetic Precision Kit – a favorite among Sigma Beauty customers! Each brush utilizes soft Sigmax fibers that provide perfect makeup application to the most defined areas of the face. The brushes were created to mimic your fingertips, allowing for precise application of products such as concealer, eye shadow, or highlighter. This best-selling kit is sure to exceed your expectations!

You must be a Sigma Beauty Blog subscriber (through Google Friend Connect) to be eligible to win.
Fill out the form below with your name, e-mail address, blog link or YouTube channel (if applicable), and a topic you would like to see on the Sigma Beauty Blog in the future.

Our marketing department will choose and announce one winner early next week based on the topic suggestion we feel is best suited for the blog. We love creativity!

Not only will the winner receive the Synthetic Precision Kit, they will also have their topic suggestion featured on the Sigma Beauty Blog with mention of their name as well as their blog or YouTube channel!

Stay tuned and stay beautiful!

 © 2012 Sigma Enterprises, LLC 
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