Monday, January 7, 2013

Do you ever have those few days or a couple of weeks even where you just feel down, unmotivated and poopy for no particular reason?
I've felt like that over the past couple of weeks now. It's really ridiculous because my life is pretty much perfect right now and I love it, I have no logical reason to be feeling low.
I'm guessing it's an over-generous dose of PMT, so reading Gala Darlings  'The Ultimate Guide to making your period suck less' has helped a little.

Today I've decided to start writing a gratitude diary.
So every day, either when I'm at work or before bed, I'm going to jot down a couple of things I am grateful for, or good things that happened that day. It can be something really tiny like a particularly tasty latte, or something funny someone said to me. Then next time I'm feeling poopy, I can look back and see a huge list of reasons not to feel so poopy. A couple of things I've popped in there today are Stef making me breakfast, and making friends with a lovely little old lady in the que for the doctors this morning.

In another attempt to cheer myself up, today I've been basking in the combination of Vogue, tea, and a jammy flapjack. I'm planning on a bubble bath and facemask later. That should help do the trick.

I'm looking forward to feeling a bit more like myself again. My poor, poor fiance, putting up with my monstrous mood lately... (thank you!)

What do you guys do to cheer yourselves up if you’re feeling a little low or have raging PMT? Any tips, send them my way please :)
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