Tuesday, September 6, 2011

I love blogs, coffee & pinterest!
This summerises my day :)

Hello beauties, another tuesday seems to have rolled round again hey?!

I hope you've all had a delightful couple of weeks? I've been jam packed, hence no blogging time (bad blogger). I was going to do my couple of weeks in pictures for you, but on Saturday night I rather stupidly had a teeeeensy bit too much to drink. As a result, I seem to have (somehow) broken the memory card on my camera. SOOOOO GUTTED 'cos I took so many fun snaps that night and also had pics I hadn't backed up yet. Boo.

So, here's my 2 weeks in a nutshell for you...
6 hour train trip to Falmouth to see Aunty Carol. Dinner on the beach and country walking. Cadgwith fishing village. Glamping in a "pod" in the middle-of-nowhere. More countryside walking. Winchester. Back to London. Bestest pal came to visit (beautiful girly).Girls night in. Wine consumption. Spot of shopping on Oxford street. Night out in Proud at Camden. More
woodland walks(p.s the conkers are about now, LOVE autumn).

Few. I can honestly say I feel happier than I have in a long, long time *grins*.

Tonight I'm cooking a new recipe for the boy, fingers crossed it goes okay... risotto with bacon, asparagus, mushroom pea and red onion ...nom-nom. Im also going to bake breakfast muffins with pumkin seeds and rasions at somepoint this week. Oh how I wish I could be a housewife 24/7 *sighs*.

Make up time...
I'm sure I've reviewed Cliniques' "High Length" mascara before, and I believe I absolutely slated it. I HATED it.

BUT, every girl has the right to change her mind... right ladies?!

Well, I've come crawling back to it with my tail between my legs. I can't seem to get around to buying a new one at the moment. So I've been plodding on with this one, and now, I heart it <3 HEART IIIIIT!!!!

This mascara only gets better with age, odd right? Normally they get clumpier and less usable.
When I first started using it I found it was a little too liquidy. I know this doesn't make any sense really, but I found it quite hard to build up as it took a little while to dry. I also found the wand extremly tricky to get used to as it is so small, rounded and rubber.

BUT once you get the knack (it may take a couple of weeks to get it exacly how you want if you're used to using a normal wand) it gives a lovely effect. I normally put about 2 or 3 coats on and use the tip of the wand to define the outer corner lashes (I like these to look a little longer). lovely jubly. Please buy and see for yourselves, at £15 for a high end brand, it hardly breaks the bank!

What mascara do you use? Does anyone know a good bargin mascara?

p.s im super-duper poor this month so expect lots of blogging!


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