Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Hey Beauties, how are we all today?

Call me crazy, but I actually kind of enjoy this rainy windy weather we're having here in LDN. Autumn makes me feel cosey, I love it.


Autumn makes me want to curl up with some slippers, a big knitted blanket, cuppa and a good book. It also means the plants in my garden may actually survive, I'm terrible at forgetting to water the poor things!


I know I've only recently written about messy buns, but I found this great picture tutorial that's super helpful if you don't have the knack just yet. Seeing as it's super hard to take pictures of myself doing this, (has anyone ever tried this? Or am I the only numpty out there...) I thought I'd share this one with you.
Take a peek...

It looks easy, huh?

#1. Don't use clean hair, start with hair that is a little greasey. This makes your hair heaps easier to work with. If your hair is squeeky clean, spray in some sea salt water (you can buy this from boots, also great for tousseled beach waves).

#2. Pull all you hair together and hold in straight up on top of your head.

#3. Twist your hair down so it sits on top of your head.

#4. wrap it around so it forms a loose bun.

#5. Pin it all secure with "kirby grips", but not too tightly, you still want it to look "effortless".

#6. Pull some little strands of hair out from around your face and the nap of your neck, to make it look worn :)

et Voila :) Simples, right?!

Lovely results too...

Hope you beauties are getting cosey tonight :) I'm off to Chris Lilleys signing in HMV Oxford Street tonight, super duper excited, that man seriously cracks me up. For those of you who don't know him, watch "Summer Hieghts High" or "Angry Boys", both equally hilarious!


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