Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Hello beauties...
I hope you all made the most of the freak heatwave?!
I spent the weekend sunning myself amoungst the autumn leaves, sipping Pimms in a rooftop garden on Southbank, dancing away in Camden and then BBQ-ing in the garden. Lovely.


Call me crazy, but I'm actually looking forward to the winter weather now. There's just something I love about snuggling up under a wooley blanket with a cuppa coacoa and watching an old film...any of you agree?!
Also may have to do with the fact that I'm starting to think about Christmas now too, before we know it it'll be that time of year again... is anyone else panicing yet?!

Anyway, onto skincare...

Those generous ladies at Liz Earle, kindly sent me the next 2 steps of their skincare to try out, thanks again :)


I've been using these for just over a week now (I think), alongside the  Cleanse and Polish Hot Cloth Cleanser.

Liz Earle Instant Boost Skin Tonic
200ml bottle
The Blurb 
"This heavenly floral-scented, non-drying toner refreshes, soothes and brightens your skin. Gentle and alcohol-free, it also adds a fine layer of moisture.
Pour onto a cotton wool pad and sweep over face and neck after using Cleanse & Polish Hot Cloth Cleanser. Alternatively spritz over face and body to revitalise at any time.
Naturally active ingredients include organic aloe vera to revitalise and soften and calendula, chamomile, cucumber and natural source vitamin E to soothe and refresh the skin.
Suitable for all skin types"

Natural ingredients
Aloe Vera, Vitamin E, Calendula Extract, Chamomile Essential Oil/Extract, Hops Extract, Cucumber Extract, Geranium Essential Oil, Glycerin (vegetable derived), D-panthenol (B vitamin).

My thoughts so far
Let me start off by saying that the fragerance, may just be my favourite smell ever. It is, as it claims to be, heavanly.
I know it may be a little too strong for some people, and I've read some reviews where this put people off, but I thought it was lovely. I actually look forward to putting it on, especially before bed, I find it quite soothing. 
I find this toner really refreshing and helpful in removing left over residue from the cleanse, this is especially the case when I use a thick cleanser such as Cleanse and Polish.
Instant Booost Skin Tonic doesn't have the alcohol in it so it's more gentle for your skin, I've used toners in the past that make my skin feel tight, this absolutely does not.
I love the packaging - the bottle is sturdy, and you twist it to open it, which personally, I think is a alot less fiddley then a screw top.
You can also buy it in a spray bottle form, which is great if your worried about wastage and not bothered about using cotton pads.
200ml Retails at £12.25, which isn't bad at all, depending on how long it lasts for... (Obviously I can't tell you that yet!)

Skin Repair Light Moisturiser
50ml pump
The Blurb
"Light and gentle, this easily absorbed moisturising lotion is ideal for combination, oily or problem skin.
This finely balanced blend of naturally active skin-conditioning ingredients includes borage oil (a rich source of the essential fatty acid GLA), echinacea, hops, avocado oil, panthenol (pro-vitamin B5) and natural antioxidants beta-carotene and vitamin E to replace lost moisture and help protect your skin, leaving it soft and smooth with a naturally healthy glow.
Massage into face and neck, morning and night, after Instant Boost Skin Tonic.
Includes borage and avocado to lightly moisturise and balance the skin."

Natural Ingredients
Wheatgerm Oil, Avocado Oil, Borage Oil, Beta-carotene, Hops Extract, D-panthenol, Glycerin, Echinacea Extract, Vitamin E

My thoughts so far...
I adored it as a day cream
Although it seems like a bit much to be spending at once on a moisturizer (£18.25 for a 50ml pump), I found 1 and a half pumps is the exact right amount to cover my face and neck, so a little really does go a long way.
I liked the fact that this was in a pump bottle, it's more sanitary then dipping into a pot. The only thing that concerns me is, when the moisturiser starts to run low, I wont be able to get the end out as I would be able to in the screw top pot version... hmmm.
I know a few people who have reviewed this product have complained about the smell (as with the toner). I wasn't too keen on it at first, but after I had used it for a few days, I could hardly notice it. I only use a tiny amount of this anyway, so the smell doesn't bother me too much.
The only bad point I can mension is that it did take a little longer to sink in than some other moisturisers.
I'm not too sure if I like it as a make-up base yet, either, I suppose time will tell. I haven't decided yet if I'll be purchasing this item when it runs out... I'll let you know. To be honest, I think I prefer my old faithful Clinique moisturiser.

Skin change
I have noticed that changing from my normal skincare routine (usually Clinique 1,2,3 step) has upset my skin a tad. I'm having a few more breakouts and blemishes than normal. I'm not sure if maybe my skin just doesn't agree with Liz Earle, or if it's due to the fact that my diet at the moment mainly consists of fast food and alcohol....changing what I am using and eating too much can really upset my skin. It's probably a combination of these things, but I'll update you when my skin gets more used to the products.

Have any of you tried these products, if so what did you think?
Can anyone reccomend any more Liz Earle products for me to try next?
Tata for now beauties Xx

#I was sent these products to review, curtisy of Liz Earle PR. However all opinions expressed are my own, honest :)

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