Monday, July 23, 2012

Hey my lovelies,
Hope you all had smashing weekends and are making the most of the sunshine?
I had a fabulous couple of days, which sadly seemed to be over in a flash.
One of my highlights was going out for breakfast with my mister.
We decided to hit ‘The Breakfast Club’ in Soho, it’s a happy little place to be.
Think egg-yoke yellow cafĂ© with an 80’s theme, pop music, polaroids and drawings that cover the brick walls, and they serve indecently sized breakfasts. Yeh.
There’s nothing like a good brunch to set the weekend straight. Agreed?

Anyway, sorry for the lack of posts last week. I’ve been having a few weird distant days where I'm feeling a little lost and confused about what I want to do with my life. I've just been generally a little unmotivated.
I think I am limiting myself when there is so much out there for me yet to achieve. So I really need to start pushing myself to be more motivated and productive, and to use all my free time to start figuring myself out. I want to try a couple of new things, like a drawing class, meditation class and a make-up course.

Blogging wise, the main problem I have with my blog is that I really don’t like the look of it at the moment… it just isn't doing it for me. So I need to work on that, I think once I like the layout and header, I'll be more inclined to post regularly! Any suggestions are welcome.
 I also need to get over my fear of the camera. I love reading blogs where you guys who post tons of photographs of yourselves, I think it's the nosey side of me, it's nice to have a peek into other peoples lives. I just wish I had the confidence to do that, I hate seeing pictures of myself, let alone taking pictures of myself... But I am going to try to change. I'm also going to attempt making some YouTube vlogs, I'm not quite sure what I'll be rambling on about but I'm going to give it a go anyway :)

I hope you've all had a great start to the week!

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