Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Whenever I go on holiday there are always those products I wish I brought along and those tend to be the ones I'm more than happy to return home to. Last week after washing my hair daily from being on the beach and in the sun there was one product I wish I packed, Ojon Dry Recovery Conditioner. Ojon is a brand I've recently become familiar with since I was on the hunt for a natural haircare brand and purchased their Volume Advance Volumising Styling Spray, which I had great success with! (link to post here

Be prepared for a major rave as my separation from this conditioner has caused my love to grow massively. Conditioners are one of those products that make a world of difference, especially on long tangly hair like mine. It's one of those products where I have to induce a little self control as I just want to smother it all over my hair - it's that nice. 

Unlike any other conditioner I've tried, and believe me I've done my rounds, this stuff works serious miracles in detangling, making hair feel smooth as well as smell amazing (I could inhale the stuff all day) making an overall massive difference and giving my hair the SOS it needs. I even leave a bit in my hair after shampooing for extra softness. 

For application I'm not shy at all, apart from avoiding my roots, I apply the conditioner ears down and slather it on. I don't think I'll be using another conditioner for a while and it's a rare thing for me to stay loyal to a haircare product but I would definitely repurchase! Saying that it is in the higher price range at £19.50 but haircare is one of those items I'll always splurge on. 

Ojon is £19.50 and available from Ojon here

Have you ever tried any Ojon haircare? Any products you recommend?
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