Thursday, July 26, 2012

I had a great little walk in the sunshine on my lunch break today, to the soundtrack of YeahYeahYeahs and Metric. I thought I'd share a couple of snaps that I took while wondering around.
Covent Garden can be so beautiful in the summer, full of pretty little backstreets, wild flowers and hidden parks. Not at all what you would expect in the middle of the city, you just have to look. This little passage is right next to my office and smells gorgeous, just like it could be in the middle of the country! Do you ever wish you could bottle a smell?

I must apologize for the rubbish photo quality, these were taken on my 'shitberry', I literally can't wait to finally upgrade to an Iphone in October, just for the camera alone!
Anyhoo, I'm off to the hairdressers tonight, and I'm terrified! I have stuck to the same hairdresser and colourist for a while now, but as I am ALWAYS at my boyfriends’ house, which is an hour away, so I thought it's about time I try to find a nearer hairdresser, eeek. I think I large glass of pinot will be in order to calm my nerves... wish me luck!

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