Friday, July 27, 2012


Hey lovelies,
so I thought I'd do before and after of my hairdresser experience. I was sooo scared, I've had a bad experience before (I blogged about it here), and I strayed from my usual hairdresser Tiffany.
When I took these photos yesterday I realized how bloomin' difficult it is to take photos of yourself, let alone any that are actually half decent. Any of you who know me will know that I absolutely hate pictures of myself, I even hated the photos of myself from the Bahamas, much to my boyfriends dismay. So, finally putting up pictures of myself on my blog is kind of a big deal for me... be nice please!

Anyway, my hair was in MAJOR need of a cut, it was an absolute state. Completely dead at the ends and felt like straw, my side fringe had totally grown out and to be honest, it was getting me down a lot. You know when you just feel really manky?!

So anyways, this is the after result...


I'm really happy with the cut, she just put a few long layers in and chopped my side fringe back in. This is a really dark colour for me, but I've used this before so I know that after 3 or 4 washes I really like the shade. Yay :)

P.S I really am trying to get over my fear of the camera, but I literally just cringe at every photo I've uploaded, eugh!! Does anyone else ever feel like this??

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