Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Pretty cheeeeesey post title I know, but it feels last weekend was literally straight out of a movie scene, it's was that perfect. 
On Friday night, my lovely mister took me for an evening called "Pizza and Paddle". This involves canoeing down the Thames, stopping off for a pizza and beer picnic in the park, and then canoeing back again. It was totally stunning, we saw the sun set over the bridge, watched a helicopter take off , and by the time we were heading back it was dark, so we saw London Thames all lit up and pretty. It was such a great alternative way to spend Friday night in London!
Saturday was kick-started with my favourite hearty breakfast of eggs, bacon, bagels and maple syrup. Yum! We jumped on the Vespa, put on a soundtrack and scooted in the dappled sunshine to Hyde park. We rented a couple of Boris bikes and had a couple of hours cycling around, (stumbling across a super-cute stable), before heading to Chelsea for Pimms and Burgers. 
Sunday involved a big spring clean of the wardrobe, and I made my fist ever YouTube vlog. Fewf!
I don't know about you but I love seeing peoples' photo diaries, I love behaving a nosey into other bloggers' lives! Would you like to see more photo diaries on my blog?
I hope you all had smashing weekends too?


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