Friday, August 10, 2012

Happy Friday lovelies!
I hope you've all had a swell week?
Mine has been nice and relaxed. Lots of nights in with my mister, and I had a juicy catch up and pizza night with my gorgeous friend Laura too.

Seeing as it has been such a lovely sunny day in London and I'm heading out for some canoeing tonight (yes, you heard me right!), I thought I needed a nice new summery shade for my nails.
Cue 'Milkshake' by Topshop.
I painted on two coats, but you could definitely get away with just the one. This is my new favorite for sure, it's the perfect babydoll pastel pink and such a nice consistency. Plus, it makes you look more tanned than you actually are, bonus!

Yesterday, I found this quote...
"Sometimes we feel guilty about spending money on ourselves; we feel like we're being self indulgent or ridiculous. The truth is YOU ARE YOUR OWN BEST IVESTMENT".
I decided that this meant I should buy shoes.
I've been perving over these Topshop brogues for a couple of weeks now, and finally decided to hell with it, and purchased them today. They're super cute, huh? I can’t wait to wear them this weekend in the sun. Oh, I also got these cute vintagy lacy pants, I know it’s a little weird showing you my pants, but hey ho!

Have a fabulous weekend :)


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