Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Rise and shine beauties! Brrr its chilly out this morning, better wrap up today and make sure you have an umberella!
So I wonder if any of you beauties ever come across the same problem as I've had this morning. I went to apply my eyebrow pencil, but it just seemed like it didn't want to come out, even if I pressed super hard. It's so annoying, I think it's because it's coming to the end of it's usable life, sob :(
But there are a couple of little tricks you can try to revive it...
1) Just sharpen it! If this doesn't work....
2) Try holding the lead over the flame of a lighter for a few seconds, this should warm it up and mean you're ready to go again!

Happy eyebrow, eye and lip lining beauties! Xx
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