Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Sorry for the squinty eyes!
Oh haaaii ladies.
I've noticed a nice little handful of new readers, so hellooo gals and thank you :)
Last week I literally had the clumsiest week. I mean EVER. I won't bore you with the whole list of happenings, but  I managed to fall up the escalator on the tube. My whole handbag spilt everywhere and I bruised my hand and leg. Those metal stairs are lethal I tell you, lethal! I had such a little tomato face and was trying so hard not to cry. What a baby. After I'd scrabbled all my things together I basically ran into my office.

Friday morning I must of somehow got a big blob of eyelash glue on he back of my phone without realizing. When I went to go and pick it up, it was stuck to the windowsill. Wonderful. When I got to work I realized I had my tights on inside out too... honestly though, the list is never ending this week, what's wrong with me?!

Enough of that, onto my lashes. Ooooh I'm loving the falsies at the moment aren't I? These are the 'Soho' Lashes from Millie Mackintoshes range for Noveau.
I would probably class these as more of a 'night-time' looking lash, but I just can't resist wearing them to the office now, I feel so naked without lashes now, I think I'm developing a problem.
The Mayfair lashes are still my favourite so far (I've reviewed these in full if you want to know the technical details about the lashes), but what I like about these is that they are quite a lot thicker and much fuller. They're really noticeable but still fairly natural looking. I don't want to repeat too much of my last review, but these are so easy to apply and the adhesive is pretty darn good. I just thought I'd show you how they looked on!  

Are any of you going to the Eyelure and Elegant Touch event this Thursday at W? The lovely Laura from Belles Boutique managed to get me an invite (what a lil' sweety she is), but she can't make it anymore and I'm really nervous about going on my lonesome.
I know they'll be lots of bloggers there, but I'm pretty shy and awkward, I've never been to one of these things before and I'm not gonna lie, I'm slightly terrified. I know it's ridiculous cos' everyone I've spoken to from the blogging world have been lovely, but please do let me know if you're going, I'd like a buddy!


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