Friday, August 31, 2012

(just realised my nail varnish matches the post-it note!)

... a huge thank you and hello to all my followers, old and new.
I can't possibly avoid sounding too cheesey, but it really does mean a lot to me that you like my little blog enough to click the follow button. I know I'm a bloomin' idiot for only just discovering and putting a follow button up after over a year of blogging, but you live and learn, right?! I know blogging is not all about how many people follow you, but it is nice to know someone out there is reading my ramblings. It did come as a (wonderful) surprise to me when people actually started following me when I finally managed to put my follow button up!

Anyway, what I'm trying to say is thank you for all your lovely comments and tweets, it's really encouraging, I read and appreciate every single one. Every single one of you who I have spoken with have been lovely, and I do always go and have a nosey at new followers blogs too, and anyone who leaves a comment :)
I'm planning on a little give away next week to show my thanks, I've bought a couple of little treats from Topshop today, I did try to pick things I thought were pretty universal. So, keep your eyes peeled. I hope some of you actually enter, I don't want to host the lamest giveaway ever...

Have an awesome weekend everyone!

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