Monday, October 1, 2012

totally random picture I know, I just liked it :)
Hello there ladies (and gents, if you're out there?!), a bit of a personal post today, I'll try not to harp on for too long though, I promise.

When I first started blogging, I was pretty much what I'd call a 'blogger recluse'. I would read other peoples blogs, but I was a little too shy to comment, thinking that these girls were so confident and such 'big bloggers', so why would they care what little old me, a nobody in the vast sea of bloggers, would have to say? At the time, I had no idea how completely and utterly wrong I was. I hated putting photos of myself up on my blog, it made me feel really self-concious ( I still don't love that, but I do it cos I know we're a nosey old bunch). And, I didn't really tell people about my blog. Heck I only found a 'follow' button about 2 months ago. I had certainly never discovered the wonders of the blogging community on Twitter.

I had a couple of months where I took a complete break from my blog, I went through a pretty rough time in my life after my mum passed away and just didn't feel like pretending everything in my life was good on my blog. When I made the decision to come back to it, I thought I'd try and do things differently this time, become more involved, and make more of an effort, be myself more, I made it into more of a project (thank you to my lovely boyfriend who encouraged me to do so). I promised myself I'd have the courage to say hello to some of my favourite bloggers, and just see what happened.
The friendliness of the blogging community pretty much blew me away. The girls who I thought looked scary and intimidating, where so chatty and helpful, and just normal girls.

Let me tell you now, I'm so glad that I came back to my blog. For so many reasons. One of the main reason being all the new pals I've made, I've met such a lovely bunch of buddies through blogging now. Down to earth, genuine girls, who I consider to be real friends now. Girls who say it like it is, and are totally supportive. Some of you I speak to pretty much every day, even more than I speak to friends I've had for years. It's pretty strange for me to consider people who I've never actually met in real life proper friends, but I do, I do :)

This might sound a little strange to some of you, but I feel like blogging has really helped with my self-confidence too. Yes, I'm still super nervous being on camera (my you-tube videos are edited like a bitch), and I'm not the biggest fan of having my photo taken (I'm so freaking awkward), but all the lovely comments and tweets you leave on my posts really make me feel good about myself, and make me WANT to write and take photos. Basically, you little lot inspire me. You make me want to write about beauty and life, and see all the good things in life (god, that sounds super cheesey).

If you're reading this and you've just starting out blogging, I can't recommend more to get involved on the bloggers chat on Twitter. If you don't know what this is, (or if like me, you just don't have a clue) basically, every Sunday and Wednesday evenings, all the beauty bloggers get together to discuss topics on Twitter using the hashtag #bbloggers (beauty bloggers).
I honestly really look forward to the #bbloggers chat, I haven't missed one in ages, and it's such a great way to find new blogs, get inspired, and meet other bloggers who have the same interests as you. Nothing better than snuggling up with a cup of tea, wooly blanket and the blogger chat!
Last night after the actual #bbloggers chat, (which was about bloggers block and what you do to inspire you) a few other ladies and I ended up nattering until gone midnight (I had a 6am wake up too, woops). We just had such a good and honest conversation, and got on so well, we decided to arrange our first ever #bbloggers meet up. I have to say, I can't wait to meet some of you in person! I've got a feeling we're going to have the best time! And if any of you are ever in London, do let me know, don't be shy :)
So I guess the purpose of this post is to say if you blog, and you haven't come to say hi before, please do! Its such a great little community, so positive friendly and welcoming. Oh look, I've managed to ramble on. I'll stop now.

Have you made friends through blogging? What do you love most about blogging? Do you join in on #bbloggers chats?

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