Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Hey darlings, how are you all? Firstly I wanted to say a huge thank you to everyone who left a comment and tweeted me about my last post, it really made my day!
It's taken me a while to get a around to it, but I've finally got a review for the Millies Lashes for you.
I have to say I was totally scared to put these lashes on myself, that's why this review has taken me so long, I just thought it would be a massive thaff (is that even a word?! You know what I mean...).

I haven't applied lashes for a couple of years now so this basically makes me an eyelash novice. I know, how can I call myself a beauty blogger?! I was so surprised at how easily these were to apply. I am totally cack handed and one of the clumsiest people in the world (just ask my boyfriend, in the past couple of weeks I've managed to smash a vase, wine glass, mugs... you name it!). So, if I clumsy old me can manage it, so can you!

I found with the Mayfair lashes, I didn't need to trim them, they were the perfect width for my eye, so already this is a massive help. However, everyone has different sized eyes, so do make sure they aren't too long for you before applying. You can do this just by placing the outer lashes on the outside of your lash-line, because you will want them to go all the way to the edge of your eye.

Before I applied the lashes, I do a teeny bit of prep. I finish the base of my make up, apply a pencil eyeliner on my top lid, and one thin coat of mascara, on the top lashes (I do the bottom lashes after my falsies have been applied). 

The trick for me, was to hold the lash by the actual lash, NOT the strip part where you apply the glue. You can also use the little set of tweezers to help you if you find it easier.
The glue comes in a nifty little vile, with an applicator stick, which is great because it’s totally mess free. I put a thin layer of glue one, gently wipe some away with my finger, in the opposite direction of the lash. I did this just to make sure the lash wasn’t too overloaded. DO NOT apply straight away, wait for the glue to turn a little bit see through and tacky, I usually fill in one of my eyebrows while I'm waiting. It takes about 2 minutes to get 'tacky'. When you attach it to your lash-line, it's much easier if the glue is starting to dry as it sticks to your skin straight away, and things don't get messy. 

When I went to the launch event for these lashes, the lovely man who applied them for me told me to apply from the inner corner of your eye, but I tend to start in the middle (which is actually what it says to do in the instructions, so I suppose it's just personal preference).
Apply the lashes with confidence, look down and try not to blink. You want to get the strip as close to your lash line as possible. You can use the tweezers to get the placement right if this helps, although I just used my fingertips. Don't worry if it goes a little bit wrong, you can easily just take them off and try again. The glue dries see-through as well, so you wont get any kind of clumping.

The great thing about these is that they are so light (I think it's because they are made from real hair), you don't even realize you're wearing them, great if like me, you aren't used to wearing them at all. The thing I love the most about the Mayfair lash in particular, is that they are really wearable for the daytime. I've been wearing them to my office (everyone loves them), and I even wore them to play a game of tennis on Sunday night (I'm just cool like that). Lashes that withstand sport and sweating, that's impressive huh ladies?!

This is the forth time I've worn this particular set now, and they're still looking great, so I'm really impressed by them. Millie says you can use them up to 5 times, so I'll definitely be testing this, but I still think 4 times is pretty good going, don't you. That means it works out to about £2 per wear so far. As long as you take them off carefully, and put them back in the packet to keep their shape, they still look new. Because the adhesive dries clear and like a gel, if you have do get a little build up, you can carefully just pull it off, or wipe them gently with an eye-make up remover, and they are good to go again.

This might sound really weird, and nothing to do with the actual lashes, but I really like the look of the box too, the colours and fonts. It’s just so perfect and pristine. You get a little booklet telling you all about the product and a set of instructions incase you need them too. I also think it's really sweet to have the teeny tiny tweezers included too. All in all, I can't recommend these lashes enough. I'm absolutely head over heels for them, you can probably tell by the fact that I've managed to ramble on for so long (sorry!).

For £8.99 I think these are totally worth the money, and I promise I'm not just saying that because I have a huge girl crush on Millie, I actually really rate these. I have another brand new set of the Mayfair, and I also have the Soho lashes, but I can definitely see these becoming a guilty little addiction of mine. The next set I've got my eye on are the Shoreditch lashes.
You can buy Millies lashes from Selfridges or the Nouveau website.

Have you tried Millies Lashes yet? Do you wear fake eyelashes? 



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