Sunday, October 7, 2012

Brogues in the autumn leaves | My new Vintage earrings | Brownies and Morroccan Tea | London Southbank at Sunset | Walking in the Sunshine | Traintracks

 Hey girls and guys, it's been a while since I did a little photo update, and I know what a nosey old bunch we all are, so feast your eyes on a few of the pics from my gorgeous weekend. 
I didn't take any photos on Friday night, but after work, my boyfriend and I hit Byron Burger. They do the most insane burgers, if you haven't been, you're missing out! They're dotted all over London, check them out here. It probably wasn't the best of ideas though... straight after we ate, we were heading to a yoga and meditation class. Surprisingly my cheeseburger didn't make a re-appearance! hehe. 
Oh, I can confirm that you can totally get away with wearing fake eyelashes to yoga. Don't judge me. 

Saturday was such a gorgeous sunny day, so we headed over to the tennis court for a match. Later on we found ourselves in town in a swanky little tapas bar called PIX. It's on Neal Street in Covent Garden and I would 100% recommend their cocktails, they're kind of pricey, but the Espresso Martini was absolute perfection. Coffee and alcohol combined, what's not to love? Seriously?! Whoever invented that, I applaud you. We strolled across to Southbank as the sun was setting (the skyline was un-real) for a few more cheeky G&Ts. The rest of the night was spent killing badies (or in my case, trying really hard to kill badies) on the xbox.

Sunday I'll admit I wasn't feeling the best from the night before, but more tennis and a run around Clapham Common certainly sorted me out! The rest of the day has involved a walk to Clapham Old Town where we snacked on brownies, strawberries and Moroccan tea (isn't the teapot beautiful?). We sat outside to read our books, until it got a little chilly. 

I dipped into a little pop up vintage shop, it was like a 60's time-warp. Basically Don Drapers apartment.  My beady little eyes spotted these gorgeous little clip on earrings. They're my new favourite thing and such a bargain at £5. I've wrote a post about vintage earring shopping a while back, here if any of you are interested. I love finding little gems like these that I know no-one else will have, don't you? It always makes them feel so much more special, little reminders of great weekends like this one :) 

Oh, and if  you were wondering, the title of my post is a quote from the book I'm buried in at the moment. It's a very famous American novel that you probably all know, 'The Great Gatsby' by b F.Scott Fitzgerald. I'm absolutely loving it so far, I wish Gatsby were real, I'd love to party at his mansion! I know they've made a movie out of it now, but it's not out until 2013 :( It's definitely one I'm looking forward to though, it looks pretty intense and Cary Mulligan and Leonardo Dicaprio are starring in it too. Dicaprio as Gatsby seems like such the perfect casting. 

I love Autumn weekends, it's such a beautiful season, so many colours and the smell... do you know what I mean? You just want to bottle it. 

What have you all been up to this weekend? Are you as excited about the Gatsby movie as I am?


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